Bramber Parish Council
Regulation 16 Submission
Regulation 16 Update
Added: 17th April 2020
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Horsham District Council (HDC) will be extending the Regulation 16 consultation period to 9 weeks. This approach is being applied to all Horsham Neighbourhood Plans which were at Regulation 16 when the lock down began. For Bramber this means the consultation will now run until 18th May 2020. For any individuals unable to respond in this time frame they will need to contact HDC within the consultation period to discuss any possibility of late representations. This will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
Following on from the Regulation 14 Consultation, the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group have reviewed all the comments received and incorporated them, where appropriate, into the draft Neighbourhood Plan. This has now been submitted to Horsham District Council for additional compliance checking, etc. In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012 (as amended), the Plan and associated documents are now out to consultation (from 5pm Monday 16th March to midnight Monday 4th May 2020) for 7 weeks inviting representations on the draft submission plan, basic conditions statement and consultation statement.
The Plan, associated documents and a Response Form can be viewed by clicking the appropriate buttons below:-