West Sussex County Council Post-16 Transport Consultation
Added: 20th April 2020
West Sussex County Council asks for views each year about its Post-16 Transport Policy Statement. This outlines the help and information that is available to 16-19s from transport operators and the Council and the details and link to the consultation are below. The policy sets out the help that is available through the council, schools, colleges and transport operators for young people of sixth-form age in and those who are 19+ with an Education Health and Care Plan to get to school/college.
This year the consultation also includes a proposal to stop a rail scheme now that a new national scheme is being widely used by sixth-form age students. The Sussex Student Card, run by West Sussex County Council in partnership with East Sussex and Brighton & Hove councils and Southern Rail, offers a 34% discount on rail travel for further education students. Since the Department for Transport launched its own card offering 50% discount on rail travel for 16 to 17 year olds, the number of applications for the Sussex Student card have dropped by 94 per cent.
This year in particular the Council is asking for the public’s view on any impact that discontinuing its rail scheme would have.
Nigel Jupp, Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, said: “Our Sussex Student Card had been popular but we are finding that most are using the 16-17 card and enjoy more of a saving.
“But we appreciate that everyone’s circumstances vary and we are keen to understand the impact of any decision we make, so I encourage those who are already using either card, or those might use it in future to give us their views.”
While the level of discount available with the 16-17 Railcard varies depending on individual circumstances, such as date of birth and length of course, it is estimated that most young people will save more than if they used the Sussex Student card.
The consultation is now open and available online here and runs until 15 May 2020. All responses will be considered before the council’s Post 16 Transport Policy statement is published at the end of May. If you wish to reply on behalf of your organisation you can also email the address below.
Yours sincerely,
Post-16 Transport Team
Tel: 03302223588
The Grange, 2nd Floor, County Hall, Chichester. PO19 1RG
Email: Post16Travel@westsussex.gov.uk Web: www.westsussex.gov.uk
West Sussex County Council Post-16 Transport Consultation
Added: 20th April 2020
West Sussex County Council asks for views each year about its Post-16 Transport Policy Statement. This outlines the help and information that is available to 16-19s from transport operators and the Council and the details and link to the consultation are below. The policy sets out the help that is available through the council, schools, colleges and transport operators for young people of sixth-form age in and those who are 19+ with an Education Health and Care Plan to get to school/college.
This year the consultation also includes a proposal to stop a rail scheme now that a new national scheme is being widely used by sixth-form age students. The Sussex Student Card, run by West Sussex County Council in partnership with East Sussex and Brighton & Hove councils and Southern Rail, offers a 34% discount on rail travel for further education students. Since the Department for Transport launched its own card offering 50% discount on rail travel for 16 to 17 year olds, the number of applications for the Sussex Student card have dropped by 94 per cent.
This year in particular the Council is asking for the public’s view on any impact that discontinuing its rail scheme would have.
Nigel Jupp, Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, said: “Our Sussex Student Card had been popular but we are finding that most are using the 16-17 card and enjoy more of a saving.
“But we appreciate that everyone’s circumstances vary and we are keen to understand the impact of any decision we make, so I encourage those who are already using either card, or those might use it in future to give us their views.”
While the level of discount available with the 16-17 Railcard varies depending on individual circumstances, such as date of birth and length of course, it is estimated that most young people will save more than if they used the Sussex Student card.
The consultation is now open and available online here and runs until 15 May 2020. All responses will be considered before the council’s Post 16 Transport Policy statement is published at the end of May. If you wish to reply on behalf of your organisation you can also email the address below.
Yours sincerely,
Post-16 Transport Team
Tel: 03302223588
The Grange, 2nd Floor, County Hall, Chichester. PO19 1RG
Email: Post16Travel@westsussex.gov.uk Web: www.westsussex.gov.uk
Bramber Parish Council
Current News
Proposed Reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework
Added: 23rd August 2024
Our new government has proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework to support its wish to speed up housebuilding. This may well increase the amount of permitted development within Horsham District. Residents may wish to find out more and have their say (before 24 Sept. 2024) at https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/proposed-reforms-to-the-national-planning-policy-framework-and-other-changes-to-the-planning-system
Fostering West Sussex - Supported Lodgings
Added: 30th July 2024
Every young person deserves to have a safe and nurturing home, where they can fulfil their potential.
Did you know that there are currently 1,126 children and young people in the care of West Sussex County Council? Of these, 487 are aged 16+ and we urgently need more Supported Lodgings Hosts to help these care-experienced young people prepare for independent living.
While the children that West Sussex County Council cares for are all in safe accommodation, many are waiting to find a caring home and someone who can guide them through this important and uncertain time in their lives.
For some, the focus will be on teaching practical skills – cooking, cleaning, budgeting, laundry – for others it will be about providing emotional support and advocacy. If you have a spare room and a kind heart, please consider becoming a Supported Lodgings Host yourself. Or play your part by starting conversations with family and friends. In return, Supported Lodgings Hosts with WSCC receive training, ongoing professional support, and fees from £15k a year (per young person). For more information, visit fosteringwestsussex.org.uk/supported-lodgings.
High Volume of Highway Enquiries
Temporary Extension of Customer Enquiry Response Times
Added: 18th March 2024
Message from Highways, Transport & Planning Directorate, West Sussex County Council:-
As you will be aware, we have experienced unprecedented levels of rain and named storm events over this autumn/winter. To put this in context, over the past 5 months (October- Feb) we have had more rain than we would normally have in a year. February saw the highest level of rain since records began and in the first week of this month, we have already experienced a month’s worth of rain.
Unfortunately, with these conditions’ potholes can form as water seeps under the road surface and saturates the substrate, leading to a hydraulic effect as vehicles pass over. This is particularly the case where we have ‘evolved roads’ which don’t have formal construction layers or where we have existing damage to road surfaces.
It is therefore unsurprising that we are now seeing a large number of issues on the network, and we are experiencing very high numbers of customer reports. I would like to assure you we are doing all we can to manage the volume of enquiries though extended working/over-time.
Our contractor’s safety repair gangs are working twilight shifts and Saturdays to manage the increased number of safety jobs. We have also increased the number of gangs and will continue to add to this resource but as I am sure you will appreciate, sourcing additional gangs at this time is very difficult and is a national issue.
In addition, we have find & fix gangs who are predominately operating in urban areas and, when weather permits, we continue to run a jet patcher in more rural areas (this resource will increase again from next month).
We continue with the ‘Right Time Approach’ we adopted last spring where the default is for potholes to be “Sides Sawn and Sealed”. Whilst these repairs take longer, we won’t carry out temporary repairs unless an emergency or where a large-scale patching/resurfacing is imminent.
In terms of drainage, in our normal cleansing programme we have cleansed 90,000 gullies this year. In addition, we have 4 gully suckers operating across the network carrying reactive work to alleviate flooding issues. They have tackled over 600 jobs on our highest priority sites.
To enable the Highway Teams to effectively deal with the volume of safety issues being reported, we will be focussing on this high priority work only until 15/04/2024 .
Our response times to customers on general enquiries from 10-20 days. Please continue to report issues via our website. Of course, if you have urgent issues then please call 01243 642105. Between 8.00am and 6pm, Monday – Friday, our Customer Service Centre will deal with the immediate response or ensure the matter is escalated to a member of the highways team. Calls made out of hours are taken by our contractor’s contact centre.
West Sussex County Council seeks help from local residents
to combat flooding
Added: 10th March 2024
West Sussex County Council is encouraging all householders and landowners, particularly those in more rural areas, to check if they have a responsibility to keep local watercourses free flowing and to help prevent vulnerable areas of the county from flooding.
If a watercourse, ditch, stream, river or culvert runs adjacent to, through or under your land or property (even if it does not fall within your property boundary as set out by your Title Deeds) then you are likely to be what is known as a “riparian owner”. In short, you are responsible for the maintenance of the watercourse to ensure that water is able to flow freely into and along it, so that it doesn’t pose a flood risk.
The legal responsibilities of a riparian owner are to:
ensure the flow of water is not obstructed or polluted
maintain the bottom and sides of the watercourse (including managing any trees and vegetation growing on the banks)
remove any obstructions, such as rubbish, fallen branches or garden waste
maintain any structures (such as rubbish screens, culverts, weirs and mill gates).
You are more likely to have a responsibility if you live in a rural area due to there not being as widespread a drainage system as in urban areas, particularly alongside roads. Rural roads are especially affected when groundwater levels are high and surface water runs off neighbouring land and property onto them. It is essential that roadside ditches in these areas are kept clear for the water to flow into before it reaches the road and causes surface flooding or even damages the road surface.
Cllr Joy Dennis, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport at West Sussex County Council, said: “Over the last five months we have seen a year’s worth of rainfall. You will have noticed that this has resulted in sustained high levels of groundwater, increased debris in the drainage systems causing blockages, and large amounts of surface water runoff, causing flooding across the county.
“Our Highways team has been busy responding to numerous incidents of flooding. We continue to manage over 140,000 gullies and routinely clear other drainage assets, including our ditches. However, whilst we are working as hard as we can to keep the water network free flowing to reduce flooding, we do not have responsibility for all of the drains and watercourses within West Sussex. For example, we’re only responsible for around 10% of the county’s ditches.
“Residents can play such an important role in combatting flooding by maintaining the drainage assets they’re responsible for, but we’re not expecting them to spend a lot of time or money; simply spending half an hour each month clearing debris and removing any blockages to allow water to flow freely is usually more than sufficient and will really make a difference.
“Well maintained watercourses can significantly benefit our communities by not only reducing flood risk but by also creating great habitats for our wildlife.”
To further help reduce flooding incidents across the network, we plan to deliver £1.9m of drainage works this year. We have also doubled our number of jetting vehicles in response to extreme weather and have four vehicles available to attend affected sites to clear flooding or investigate issues.
Our drainage gangs continue to work proactively to clear gullies and a ditch clearance programme is operating at sites identified as having an impact on the highway.
We also have approximately £500,000 of small-scale drainage schemes on schedule to be delivered by the end of this month.
To find out more about the responsibilities of a riparian owner and our flood prevention works take a look at our FAQ document: Riparian Ownership: Frequently Asked Questions .
For further information please contact the news desk on 0330 222 8090 or email pressoffice@westsussex.gov.uk.
For urgent out-of-hours enquiries please call 07767 098415.
Update: Installation of Electric Vehicle Charge Points in
Horsham District Council car parks
Added: 20th January 2024
There has been some delay that has been outside of the control of the contractor, Connected Kerb. We had an update last week and are hopeful that the next stage of the works will commence in April/May.
I will let you know when I have more details.
Helen Peacock
Head of Sustainability and Greenspaces
Horsham District Council
Telephone: 01403 215513 | 07920 192158
Email: Helen.Peacock@horsham.gov.uk
County Council Elections, May 2025
Added: 21st December 2023
Please see the attached letter from the Charman of the County Council giving information for anyone considering standing for election as a County Councillor in May 2025.
In particular I would like to highlight that the Become A County Councillor website highlights a range of events which might be of interest to those thinking of standing. I have set these out below for ease of reference.
Amanda Drinkwater
Democratic Services Officer, Democratic Services
West Sussex County Council, Room 102, First Floor, County Hall, Chichester, PO19 1RQ
Phone: 033 022 22521
Installation of Electric Vehicle Charge Points
in Horsham District Council Car Parks
Added: 18th May 2023
I am writing to inform you that the next phase of the installation of electric vehicle charge points will be taking place in Council car parks in your Parish/Neighbourhood. The civil works will commence w/c 22nd May in the following District Council car parks:-
4 sockets (2 charge points) in The Street car park, Bramber
4 sockets (2 charge points) in Coopers Way, Henfield
4 sockets (2 charge points) in the library car park, Henfield
4 sockets (2 charge points) in Fletchers Croft, Steyning
6 sockets (3 charge points, in the Pavilions car park, Horsham.
I am waiting for the detailed timetable for the project but it is likely to take 2-3 months before the charge points are commissioned.
These are being installed as part of a partnership involving all of the District and Borough Councils across the County and led by West Sussex County Council. The partnership is working with a private sector organisation, Connected Kerb, which is paying to install, operate and maintain the new network of charge points. The network is being developed primarily to provide charge points for residents without off-street parking. The latter is a barrier to the take up electric vehicles, as most EV owners charge their vehicles at home. The network will consist of a mixture of charge points in Council owned car parks, or publicly owned land, as well as on-street locations.
Please do contact me if you would like more information.
Helen Peacock
Environmental Coordination Manager
Horsham District Council
Telephone: 01403 215513 | 07920 192158
Email: Helen.Peacock@horsham.gov.uk