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Neighbourhood Watch

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Sussex Police Burglary and Vehicle Crime Bulletin - 8th February 2025

Please find below the fortnightly burglary and vehicle crime details from the 31 January 2025 to the 6 January 2025. 



01/02 - School Lane, Washington (between 11pm and 8.30am)

Garage store room has been broken into, where two locks were forced off the door and a small amount of damage was caused. Nothing stolen. 


04/02 - School Lane, Washington (overnight)

Garage and shed has been broken into, where the padlock has been damaged. Unknown if anything has been stolen. 


07/02 - Heath Way, Horsham, RH12 5XX (approx. 2.16am)

Male has broken into property whilst occupied and stole car keys, drill and subsequently the vehicle. 



04/02 - Heath Close, Broadbridge Heath (overnight)

Motorcycle has been stolen from outside owner's property.


07/02 - Windrum Close, Horsham, RH12 1XR (overnight)

Vehicle has been broken into where a small amount of change and a bank card has been stolen.


Crime prevention advice can be found here

Sussex Police Burglary Alert - 6th February 2025

Please find below details of current burglary spates across the Horsham district.


30/01 - Pollards Dr, Horsham  

Twenty seconds of footage has been recorded of an unknown male in the informants mothers garden, shining a torch in the window and trying to gain entry before leaving. Nothing was stolen and no access gained.


01/02 - Charlton St, Steyning 

The informants garage, not attached to the house, has been accessed and a dust extractor stolen. There is no CCTV covering the area and the garage is insecure and able to be opened if pulled hard enough.


02/02 - Bostal Rd, Steyning  

The informant saw a male attempt to access their shed which is attached to the house. They confronted the male who then ran off. The male was pulling on the door and had a torch. Suspect captured on Ring footage but no facial.


02/02 - School Lane, Washington  

A shed has been forced into and a chainsaw stolen.


02/02 - School Lane, Washington  

Another garage/store room on school lane which has had the locks forced causing damage.


03/02 - East St, Rusper  

A shed has been accessed during a 1 hour period when the informant was not there, and 2 commercial batteries have been stolen.


03/02 - Chanctonbury Close, Washington  

A shed door has been prised open, and power gardening tools has been stolen. Informant states locals have reported similar.


04/02 - The Street, Washington 

Secure shed broken into with damaged caused. Nothing appears stolen but items have been rifled through.


04/02 - School Lane, Washington  

Shed and garage broken into overnight, not attached to the house. Nothing stolen and no CCTV or witnesses. Similar break in same street recently.

New Year Message from Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne - 11th January 2025

I hope you all had an enjoyable festive season and are happily settling in to 2025 as well as wrapping up warm in this very chilly weather.

Throughout December, Sussex Police again took part in Operation Limit - the annual national campaign that aims to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries caused by people driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.  Officers carried out increased patrols and set up random stop check sites along busy driving routes.  More than 8,500 motorists were stopped and checked during the campaign this year. Last year's campaign totalled around 6,000 checks so I am pleased to see that Sussex Police have been even more proactive.

Police officers made 270 arrests on Sussex roads during the campaign and the majority of these were for drug-driving - more than 60 arrests were made following collisions.  Whilst the officers’ diligent work delivers results in making our streets safer, it really is disheartening that so many people still do not understand - or choose to disregard - the dangers and consequences of driving under the influence or perhaps they think they will get away with it.

This campaign, alongside the year-round work carried out by Sussex Police, should be a clear message to those who choose to drink and drug drive that it is only a matter of time until you get caught and face the consequences. This could include a driving ban, a criminal record or even prison time.

I want to thank the residents and visitors of Sussex who have reported suspicious driving activity especially if it was someone they knew who was drink or drug driving. Submitting those reports isn’t always easy, especially when it means reporting family, friends or colleagues but it is always the right thing to do and it can save lives.  I'll be scrutinising the work of Operation Limit and asking how the Force plans to keep Sussex roads safer in my upcoming Performance and Accountability Meeting with the Chief Constable next week.  The meeting takes place on 16 January at 1pm and is webcast live.

In December, the Government published the draft Police Grant Settlement for the coming financial year alongside announcements on proposed additional funding for neighbourhood policing.  The figures for Sussex Police amount to a possible total grant of £419 million for 2025-26 but it assumes that I will raise the local precept (the police element of your council tax) by the maximum amount allowed too.  Sussex Police have made huge efforts to make efficiencies over the past year without reducing services and we have saved £5.7 million. However, we calculate a necessary savings requirement of £5 million for the year ahead which will not be without its challenges.

This week, my office and Sussex Police met with members of the Police and Crime Panel Precept Working Group to look at these figures and funding pressures in more detail and to consider feedback on police performance, public confidence and funding options.  As PCC, I now have to consider what level of police precept needs to be set for the coming year to maintain policing services and my recommendation will be formally put before the full Police and Crime Panel at the end of this month for their approval.


Katy Bourne OBE
Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner

Free to Join Priority Services Register

As Storm Bert is affecting the UK, if you have not already done so this is a good time to consider registering for extra advice and support, including when there could be interruptions to your electricity, gas or water supply.

The Priority Services Register (PSR) is free to join. It helps utility companies, including energy suppliers, electricity, gas and water networks, to look after customers who have extra communication, access or safety needs. It helps tailor services to support households who need extra help in the event of a power cut, gas or water supply interruption.

Your energy supplier (the company that provides your electricity and gas) and your network operator (the company responsible for the pipes and wires that carry electricity and gas) will both keep a Priority Services Register.

To find out who these organisations are in your area please visit and enter your postcode. Your electricity and gas suppliers will be shown; you just need to click the sign up button there to join their PSR. Electricity companies are, where possible, sharing PSR information with water companies, so you can get vital help and support from them too if there's a break in your water supply.

Please also consider helping others to join the PSR, for example, elderly relatives, friends or neighbours, people with serious medical conditions, or people who may struggle with the internet.

Who can join

You can ask to join your supplier or network operator’s Priority Services Register if you:

  • have reached state pension age

  • are pregnant, or have young children

  • struggle with speaking or reading English.

You can also join if you’re living with a disability or a long-term medical condition, including:

  • mental health conditions

  • conditions affecting your sight, hearing or sense of smell

  • conditions that mean you need to use medical equipment that requires a power supply.

Help is also available if your circumstances have recently changed, for example if you:

  • are recovering from an injury, or need support after a stay in hospital

  • have been bereaved

  • have lost your job.


What help is available?

Joining the Priority Services Register means you’ll be able to get a range of extra help when you need it. This could be all the time, or for a short period due to something that’s happened in your life. Some of the help you can get includes:

  • priority support in an emergency

  • wherever possible, advanced notice of scheduled power cuts

  • an identification and password scheme if someone needs to visit or contact you, helping you feel confident they are genuine 

  • the ability to nominate someone to receive communications and bills from your supplier, for example a family member, carer or someone you trust

  • the chance to move your prepayment meter if you can’t safely get to it to top up

  • regular meter reading services

  • account info and bills in large print or braille

  • assistance reconnecting your gas supply, if you need it.


What help should I expect from being on the Priority Services Register during a power cut?

  • A priority number that you can call 24 hours a day

  • Text and voice message alerts, letting you know when they are aware of a large power cut in your area

  • Tailored support if needed such as home visits, hot meals, advice and keeping your friends and relatives updated

  • Where possible, text and voice messages when severe weather is expected, to help you prepare

  • In certain scenarios they may also offer a free hotel overnight and transport to the hotel

  • For complex power cuts their community welfare teams provide on-site support which includes hot drinks, hot meals, a Wi-Fi connection and charge points.


Additional information can be found at UK Power Cut? Call 105 For Free | Find Your Electricity Provider and Join your supplier’s Priority Services Register | Ofgem

How To Report Crime And Anti-Social Behaviour

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Sussex Resilience Forum - Emergency Ready - 23rd October 2024

How prepared are you, your workplace and community for an emergency such as:


🌧️ Severe weather?
🌊 Flooding?
🔥 Wildfire?
🔌 Utility disruption?


Please have your say:


Your response will help us support our communities to be more resilient.


Sussex Police is a member of the Sussex Resilience Forum – a partnership of local organisations working together to support the local community to be prepared for and during emergencies.

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